The information in this form is based on information in the original South Shore Estuary Survey. Corrections to obvious typographical and spelling errors have been made. Corrections to factual errors, updates or comments on the information are enclosed either in [square brackets] or are clearly indicated as updates in the text.. Since the surveys were conducted in the Summer of 2004, the information reflects that time period unless otherwise noted. Because the South Shore Estuary Survey report format is not entirely consistent with the original Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities/Town of Brookhaven survey formats, there are a few additional fields on this page not found on the original forms. The original South Shore Estuary Survey Report is available as a PDF document by clicking on the below.

Sites with an Inventory Code suffix of “S” are supplemental sites not included in the original surveys.


Ebenezer Albin House

 If checked, this is a Supplemental Form, not in the original surveys.

Inventory Code:   Br16.1.6-S 
Prepared Date:   2004-06-02 
Last Modified:   1970-01-01 
Submitter Name:   Jayme Breschard
Submitter Address:   382 Main Street

Port Washington, NY 11050  
Organization:   Long Island Traditions, Inc
1-Building/Site Name:   Ebenezer Albin House 
2a-County:   Suffolk    2b-Town:   Brookhaven    2c-Village:   Hamlet of Brookhaven
3-Street Location:    
 4a-Public    4b-Private
5a-Present Owner:   David and Barbara Copeland 5b-Address:   

6a-Original:   Residence

6b-Present:   Residence

 7a-Visible From Road

 7b-Interior Accessible
7b-Interior Comment:   By appointment
Architectural Style:   
  Organic Colonial Cottage  
  The building at 3 Newey Lane sits on the corner of Beaver Dam Road and Newey Lane. Building Dimensions: 50’ x 36’ No. of Floors: 2.  
Decorative Features: 
  Tuscan column supports for the west façade’s entry porch and wraparound porch (extends from the façade to the north elevation), vertical plank shutters, scroll-sawn brackets under both the three-sided and squared bay windows, and gable louvers  
Building Materials 



 8d-Board & Batten



8-Other:   Sawed wood shingle and vertical clapboards on the walls and fishscale shingles in the gable ends
Structural System
 9a-Wood Frame Interlocking Joints    9b-Wood Frame Light Members:   9c-Masonry:
9d-Metal Comment:   
 9e-Other Comment:   
Roof Style: 
  Cross-gabled roof with a half-hipped veranda that wraps around from the façade (west) to the north elevation and a shed roof entry (on façade)  
Roofing Materials: 
  Asphalt shingle, plain  
Wall cladding extends to the ground  
  Paired six-over-six double-hung sash, paired four-light casement, paired one-over-one double-hung sash, round arch transoms, and three-sided and squared bay windows  
  Off-centered entrance on the west façade and rear (east) entry  
  Two interior concrete (stucco and block) chimneys in the rear and an exterior end-wall chimney on the north elevation, enclosed by the screened veranda  
   10a-Excellent   10b-Good   10c-Fair    10d-Deteriorated
  11a-Original Site  11b-Moved If so, when?
11c-Alterations:   The wraparound porch has been screened on the north elevation. On the west façade, the wraparound porch has been enclosed. On the south elevation, a conservatory with a brick foundation has been added.  «»
[Threats were not evaluated in the original South Shore Estuary Survey.  They are an evaluation by J. Deitz]
  14a-None Known:   14b-Zoning   14c-Roads
  14d-Developers   14e-Deterioration
Related Outbuildings and Property
 15a-Barn  15b-Carriage House  15c-Garage
 15d-Privy  15e-Shed   15f-Greenhouse
 15g-Shop  15h-Gardens   15i-Landscape Features
15i-Landscape Features:   
15-Comment:   Two outbuildings sit in the rear (east) and south lots. At the end of the gravel east-west drive is a one-story front-gabled garage with three bays that is covered with diagonal wood siding. To the south is a steeply-pitched side-gabled outbuilding with vertical wood siding and a shed-roof entry.
Surroundings of the Building
 16a-Open Land  16b-Woodland  16c-Scattered Bldgs.
 16d-Densely Built-up  16e-Commercial  16f-Industrial
 16g-Residential 16h-Other:   
Interrelationship of Building and Surroundings
Other Notable Features of Building and Site
18-Notable Features:      «»
19-Initial Const Date:   About 1870  
Historic and Architectural Importance

According to the 1873 Atlas of Long Island, Elbert (Albert) Albin owned the building presently located at 3 Newey Lane (Newey Lane is not shown on the map). The building sits on the south side of Beaver Dam Road (then known as South Street). The same map portrays Elbert (Albert) Albin in possession of the building currently at 6 Burnett Lane. Elbert Albin appeared on the 1870 census in Fire Place (now Brookhaven Hamlet) in the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York as a fisherman. He later appeared on the 1880 census as a bayman. The 1888 Atlas of the Towns of Babylon, Islip and the South Part of Brookhaven depicts Elbert Albin still residing at 3 Newey Lane. According to both maps, Elbert Albin’s brother, Robert S., owned and operated a grocery store in the building presently located at 340 Beaver Dam Road.

[While the 1873 Atlas shows an E. Albin as being the owner of this property, 1860 and 1870 census evidence indicates that it was Ebenezer Albin, not (James) Elbert Albin. Also living nearby (probably next door) was an Albert Albin; because of his age he clearly was not Elbert. Both were baymen/fishermen, as was Elbert. While I suspect all the Albins were related, I have not yet established the connection. J.D.]


Beers, F.W. Atlas of Long Island (1873).

Deitz, John B. 2000 - 2004. Brookhaven, New York; available from; Internet; accessed 2 July 2004.

Gottfried, Herbert and Jan Jennings. American Vernacular Design, 1870-1940. New York: Van Norstrand Reinhold, 1985.

Wendelkyn & Co. Atlas of the Towns of Babylon, Islip and the South Part of Brookhaven. 1888.

Prepared By: 
  Jayme Breschard  
Supplemental Material:

Starting about 1927, Alex and Bobbie de Hond of New York City rented this cottage as a Summer/weekend home.  It was then known as Waters Edge Cottage. Sometime in the mid-1940s, the de Honds purchased the Swezey house (Br32A) on Locust Rd., and moved there.

Patchogue Advance, 15 April 1927, p. 8:
"Mr. And Mrs. de Hond of New York City have rented Water's Edge Cottage on the Corner of Beaver Dam Road and Railroad Avenue [actually Newey Lane] for the season. Mr. de Hond is an interior decorator."

Patchogue Advance, 8 July 1927, p. 11:
"Mr. And Mrs. Alexander de Hond entertained over the holidays Artist Vincent Garafallo of Greenwich Village.".

Patchogue Advance, 1 Jul 1927, p. 16:
"Mrs. Alice Bargeman of New York spent the week-end with Mrs. Bobbie de Hond at Waters Edge Cottage.