
Matches 1 to 15 of 15


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Azel Hawkins Cemetery
Azel Hawkins Cemetery
Brookhaven Hamlet, Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, NY. This cemetery is #81 on the Town of Brookhaven Historians listing of cemeteries within the town. 
Beaver Dam
Beaver Dam
Ben Savage Artwork
Ben Savage Artwork
Brookhaven Elementary School
Brookhaven Elementary School
Carman's River
Carman's River
The Carman's River(Ref. ID SH01.1-S) originates in the central part of Long Island and flows generally south about 10 miles to the Great South Bay. Along the way there are two county parks, three "lakes" -- actually remnants of old mill ponds -- and the Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge. The earlier names for the river were Connectiquot or Connecticut. The native Americans may have also called it Cumsequogue. 
Engelhardt Family
Engelhardt Family
Engelhardt family pictures. Most of the pictures in this album were contributed by Joan Moreland nee Engelhardt, William Englehardt, Sr.'s daughter. 
Examples of Carol Robinson Piano Performances
Examples of Carol Robinson Piano Performances
Piano rolls were made from performances of famous musicians. A pianist would sit at a specially designed recording piano, and the pitch and duration of any notes played would be either marked or perforated on a blank roll, together with the duration of the sustaining and soft pedal. Reproducing pianos also re-created the dynamics of a pianist's performance by means of specially encoded control perforations placed towards the edges of the roll. Reproducing pianos were said to very accurately reproduce a pianist’s original performance. Many famous pianists made recordings, including Debussy playing Debussy. Carol Robinson made several of these recordings. 
Gardner Rea Cartoons
Gardner Rea Cartoons
Many of (Oscar) Gardner Rea's works appeared in the New Yorker magazine during the 1920 and 1930's, and earlier in Judge and Life (the humor magazine, not the later picture magazine). Rea Irvin, the long time de facto "art director" of the New Yorker, drew in a similar style to Gardner Rea; and the editors of the magazine (for reasons apparently unknown) are said to have sometimes credited one for the other’s work.  I have yet to find a definitive catalog of Gardner Rea's work. Should any of the works shown in this album not be that of Gardner Rea, I would appreciate being informed.

Two Life magazine covers in my personal collection when offered for sale were attributed to Gardner Rea, when in actuality they appear to have been by the artist Rae Irwin.  More than two years after I purchased them, and had had the magazines conserved and framed, I happened to notice that they were signed "Rea Irvin."  While they are not included in this album, their style are so similar to that of Gardner Rea's of the same period, it is easy to see how the work of the two could be confused.

Hamlet Homes
Hamlet Homes

.. interesting homes in Brookhaven Hamlet, NY.

This Album is not a full inventory of sites in Brookhaven and South Haven hamlets. See Inventory index.

Malcolm Morley Art Sampler
Malcolm Morley Art Sampler
Selected works by Malcolm Morley 
.. map images of many of which are of historical interest 
Marshall Bull Photographs
Marshall Bull Photographs
Marshall Bull was a professional photographer who lived in Brookhaven Hamlet. He was one of the photographers on the staff of the Brookhaven National Laboratory during its early years. Many of Marshall Bull's photographs of Brookhaven and South Haven Hamlets appear on this site. This Album contains many of his photographs of the two hamlets. Also included are samples of his photographs taken during World War II. 
Post Cards
Post Cards

Many post cards have been produced for Brookhaven and South Haven hamlets, Suffolk County, NY. This album is believed to contain nearly all that were published, most of which are in John Deitz's physical collection of post cards.In this album. Links are provided to inventory datasheets on specific sites, and to individuals or families associated with the post card.  The site inventory datasheets may contain additional photographs which were not post cards.

Washington Lodge History Documentation
Washington Lodge History Documentation
A collection of newspaper clippings, pictures, and other emphoria documenting the history of what is now known as the Washington Lodge. Much of the documentation recorded here was researched by Richard A. Thomas. 
Wiswall Drawings
Wiswall Drawings
Ann Wiswall, a local artist, has done many pen and ink drawings of scenes in Brookhaven Hamlet, L.I., NY. All reproductions here are © 2002 by Ann Wiswall and only may be reproduced or otherwise used with her permission 

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