
1688 Indian Deed for Yamphank Neck (continued)

Continued from page 70

espeshally moveing, have given & granted, and by these presents Do give & grant unto ye sd Samuel Terrill, a certaine tract of Land & meddow, sittuate, liing and beeing on ye south side of the Township of Brookhaven, a bovesayd, butting and bounded on the East by a River coled East Conetecut, south by a smole River called yamphank, Whare it Jenes to sd conetecut; West by a tre marked at ye hed of the sayd yamphank, north by a Swompe coled Asawsunce, to have and to holde the sayd Land & meddow, With all & singeler, ye previleges, profits and Emollement thereunto belonging, or any wayes a pertaineing unto ye sayd Samuel Terrill, his haires, Exsecuters, Administrators or asines, to his and thare proper use and behoofe for Ever, freely and quietly without any maner of Challeng, Clame or Demand of mee, ye sd Wopehege, or any other, other persun or persunes Whatsoever, for mee, in my name, by my cause, menes or procuerment, and without any monny or other things, therfore to bee yealded, payd on Don unto mee, the sayd Wopehege, my heires, Exsectetors, Administrators or a sines; haveing alreddy reseved full sattisfaction, by sundry Gifts and benefits on mee, bee fore the Date of this present bestowed, & I, ye sayd Whopehege, for my self, my heaires and asines, Doe hereby promise and ingage to ye sayd Samuel Terrill, his Aires and asines against all people to Warrent, and for Ever to Defend it by these presents; and further, know yee that I, the sayd Whopehege, have put ye sd Samuel Terrill into peasable & quiet posession of all and singuler, the aforesayd granted pemieses by Delevering of turf and twig, With a pece of silver mouny called abit, fixed a seale to these presents. Witnes whereof I, the sayd Wopehege, have hereunto set my hand and seale, this thurteneth Daye of november, in the yeare of oure Lord 1688.

Sined, Sealed and
Delevered in the pesenc of
Job Smith,
Jonathan I. R. Rose

Entered by me, Danill Brewster

Wopehege [his X mark] Seale.