Extracted from Jones-Hubert Genealogy, 2024 ed.
© Richard H. Jones 2025
1.2. DOROTHY POST HUBERT (24 Oct 1918 – 9 Jan 2021). Born at home at 799 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, New York, during a major influenza epidemic (her mother was so ill that there was concern that both might die). Graduated from Packer Collegiate Institute in Brooklyn Heights, 1935; Vassar College, B.A., 1939 (majored in bacteriology). Worked as a laboratory assistant for a doctor on the east side of New York before she got married. In the 1980s became a trustee for the Post-Morrow Foundation. Died of COVID-19 and pneumonia in the East Patchogue hospital. Ashes buried in Woodland Cemetery in Bellport, L.I.
Married CURTIS KNOWLES JONES (14 Aug 1911 – 6 Jan 1989). Born at 3220 Irving Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, the only child of EDMUND and BESSIE JONES. Family moved to 2511 Lake Place when he was two or three years old. Graduated from West High School in Minneapolis; B.A., 1933, University of Minnesota; B.D., 1936, S.T.M., 1938, and Th.D., 1945, Union Theological Seminary, New York, NY. Met DOROTHY HUBERT while an assistant minister at the First Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn Heights. Married on August 2, 1941 in Brookhaven, L.I. Children: CURTIS, DAVID, and RICHARD. Presbyterian minister at Baldwin, NY, Charleston, WV, New Kensington, PA, Brookville, PA, and Daretown, NJ. Retired to East Patchogue, L.I., in August 1976; continud as interim minister and supply minister in many churches on Long Island. Died in his sleep, at home, of liver cancer. Ashes buried in Woodland Cemetery in Bellport, L.I.
2.3. PHILIP ARTHUR HUBERT (8 Jan 1881 – 14 Mar 1969). Born in Stamford, CT. Graduate of Stevens Institute, Hoboken, NJ. Met HELEN POST in Bellport in summer of 1905. Married her on 26 Oct 1910 at 162 Ross Street, Brooklyn (Ralph Flanders, later a Senator from
Vermont, was best man). A structural engineer and treasurer of Dual Leathers Corp., 150 Nassau Street, New York City. Brothers: William (20 Sept 1892 – 18 Jan 1920, died of tuberculosis) and Walter (7 Dec 1887 – Dec 1893); sisters: Lily Marianne (“Aunt Lil” — designed toys for F.A.O. Schwartz; b. 22 Jul 1882 and died in Bellport in 1968), Anna Elizabeth (who loved music and whom PHILIP greatly missed; 28 Feb 1879 – 27 Feb 1889), and Claire (3 Apr 1885 – 14 Apr 1894). Children: James, Helen, Elisabeth, DOROTHY, Louise, Anne, and Philip, Jr. Died of cancer in Brooklyn Heights. Buried in Woodland Cemetery, Bellport, L.I.
2.4. HELEN MARION POST (6 May 1890 – 28 Dec 1973). Born in Brooklyn, NY. Attended Adelphi Academy in Brooklyn. Died at home at 1 Grace Court, Brooklyn. Sisters: Jessie Wells Post and Elisabeth (“Betty”), wife of Thomas I. Morrow. Buried in Woodland Cemetery, Bellport, L.I.
3.5. PHILIP WILLIAM GENGEMBRE HUBERT, JR. (9 Jan 1852 – 3 Jan 1925). Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Educated at private schools in Boston and Paris. Married on 1 Jun 1878 at St. John’s Church in Stamford, CT. Music critic for the New York Evening Post (1877-90) and New York Herald (1890-94). After his Thoreau-esque attempt in Bellport (with his family), he returned to the editorial staff of New York Herald (1906-11). Author of Liberty and a Living
(1885), Nursery Lesson Book (1886), Inventors (1893), The Stage as a Career (1900) and a history of the Merchants’ National Bank of New York. Also wrote plays: “Insanity for Two,” “Lightning Courtship,” “Tickled to Death,” and “A Railway Tragedy–Perhaps.” (The plays are not mentioned in any obituary.) Decided on a summer home in Bellport when he and a friend (an architect named Rich) wanted to find a summer place for their families and asked the Long Island Railroad ticket-seller for tickets to Bayport; they received tickets to Bellport by mistake, but liked Bellport so much that they stayed. Died in Bellport of arterio sclerosis. Buried in Woodland Cemetery, Bellport. His sister Marie Hubert Frohman was an actress and mother of Philip Hubert Frohman, architect of the National Cathedral of the Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C.
3.6. ANNA HAIGHT HOLMES (25 Jul 1855 – 12 Feb 1943). From Stamford, CT. First organist in Christ Episcopal Church in Bellport, L.I. (the three stained glass windows over the altar are in memory of three of their children who died when she and PHILIP first came to Bellport). Buried in Woodland Cemetery, Bellport, L.I.
3.7. JAMES HOWELL POST (13 Oct 1859 – 5 Mar 1938). Born in New Rochelle, NY, during the temporary residence of his parents there. Married on 26 Oct 1887 at the South Third Street Presbyterian Church in Williamsburg, NY (then a separate city from Brooklyn) by LOUISA’s father. Started in business with B. H. Howell, Son & Co., sugar merchants located at 129 Front Street, New York, NY. Became president and board member of the National Sugar Refining Co. of New Jersey (“Jack Frost”), with refineries in Long Island City and elsewhere. A director of various sugar importing companies, banks, American-Hawaiian Steamboat Co., insurance companies, Brooklyn Edison Co., Brooklyn-Manhattan Transit Co., New York Rapid Transit Co., Underwood Typewriters Co., and other companies. Philanthropist, well-known and well-respected in New York City in his day, giving both time and money. Concerned especially with children in Brooklyn; also interested in many institutions, including the Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital, Princeton Theological Seminary, and Adelphi College and Adelphi Academy. One day he refused to give money to a man who then complained “Why do you give so much to Jewish organizations?” He replied, “All I am I owe to a Jew.” “Who was that?” “Jesus Christ.” The man stormed out, exclaiming, “Damn it all to hell!” Awarded LL.D. from Colgate University in 1929. Gave the village of Brookhaven the building for the Brookhaven Free Library, and land along Beaver Dam Creek and along Carmans River for a boat landing. Died at 88 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, and buried in Woodland Cemetery, Bellport. (His sister Mary Post Cantine [“Aunt Molly”] is buried nearby.)
3.8. LOUISA HENDERSON WELLS (25 Nov 1859 – 5 Mar 1944). Born at parsonage, South Third Street Presbyterian Church, Williamsburg, NY. Died at 88 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, and buried in Woodland Cemetery, Bellport, L.I.
Key to Numbering
Number to the left of the period: The generation of the ancestor back from Dorothy Jones (first generation).
Number to the right of the period: Divide by two to locate descendant in the next generation. (If the number is odd, add 1 and then divide.) Multiply by two to locate ancestor in prior generation.
Download the below PDF for the complete 12 generation Post-Hubert Genealogy.