
Charles M. Woodruff – Farmer and Merchant

Charles M. Woodruff

From Portrait and Biographical Record of Suffolk County. Chapman Publishing Co., 1896

Self-made in the broadest sense of the term, the career of Mr. Woodruff illustrates in an admirable manner what may be accomplished by unflagging industry, perseverance and good management. We find him the possessor of a fine business and comfortable home, which in all its appointments fulfills the modern idea of culture and taste.

Our subject was born at Bellport [more correctly, on the family farm in Fire Place], where he is now located, September 15, 1844. His parents were Jehial H. and Sarah A. (Davis) Woodruff, also natives of Suffolk County, where all their active years were spent. The father was prominently identified with the agricultural life of this section for many years, and was connected with many important measures for its progress. His success in life was due to his energy, ability, and management, and he left at his death, in 1891, when fourscore years and five, a good home, which stands as an excellent monument to his perseverance and thrift. He was preceded to the better land by his wife, who closed her eyes in death in 1871.

Charles M. had only the advantages of the district school for obtaining an education, as during his boyhood days his father was in limited circumstances, and he started out for himself early in life. He went to sea at this time, being only then ten years of age, and from that time on has “paddled his own canoe.” He followed the water for about fifteen years, but in 1876 we find him again in his native place, where he established in business for himself as the proprietor of a meat market. He waits on his customers himself, and has built up a large trade, owing to his excellent ability and good management. Every variety of fresh and salted meats is kept in stock by him, and he makes it a point to keep everything about the market neat and attractive.

Mr Woodruff was married, in 1875, to Alda J. C., daughter of Edward A. Sweezey, one of the prominent and worthy citizens of Middle Island. One daughter survives of this union, Miss Bertha C. Woodruff, who is a student in the schools of Heightstown, N.J. Another daughter, Marjory, died December 5, 1893, when five and a-half years old. He is a true Republican in politics, but has never desired to hold office. He has rendered efficient service, however, as a member of the School Board for the past nine years, his interest in educational affairs leading to his election to this position. He is unassuming in manner, honest in all his dealings with his fellow-men and exerts a good influence in his community by his example. He has therefore the best wishes of his neighbors and friends for his complete success in life.