
Chronological History of the Washington Lodge Property

DRAFT – 8/26/2016

 17th Century 1678 Property was a part of Dayton’s Neck.  Samuel Dayton obtained 40 acres in 1678.  He died in 1690.  Property may have stayed in the Dayton Family into 18th Century. Samual Dayton
Dayton’s Neck
18th Century & early 19th century Uncertain
19th Century 1855 About 1855, Cornelius Corson established farm which appears to have included the property now Washington Lodge.  His residence appears to have been to the east of the Washington Lodge site, possibly the old Hubert residence.  Cornelius died in 1900. Cornelius Corson.
1887 In 1887, Elizabeth Corson sold a parcel to Maria Stiles Fairchild.  The record is ambiguous, so it is uncertain whether this was the Washington Lodge property.  In any event, maps show the Fairchilds owning several tracts, some contiguous, in the vicinity. The Fairchilds were said to have built their residence in the 1880s (not proved), and that this residence was the original section of the Washington Lodge.  Maria died in 1908, Her son Arthur Stiles Fairchild inherited most of her estate, presumably including the Brookhaven properties.  In 1888 the Fairchilds were living in “Bellport,” which likely was the future Washington Lodge site. Maria Stiles Fairchild
20th Century 1920 George Constant Louis Washington purchased the property about 1920 from Arthur S. Fairchild (Maria’s son) and lived there until 1926, when he moved to New Jersey.  In 1927, he tried to sell the property to a Brooklyn syndicate to be used as a social club, but the deal fell through.   In 1938, newspaper accounts indicate that George Washington sister was living there; and a Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson were caretakers in George Washington in his hire.  The is some evidence that from about 1935 to early 1940s, the property was operated as a boardinghouse and chicken farm by a Mr. Adestein. George Constant Louis Washington
1943  In 1943, George Washington sold the property to Nathan Adelstein; at the same time, a mortgage was recorded– Nathan Adelstein to George Washington ($4500).  Adelstein operated a restaurant, catering house, and small hotel.  He declared bankruptcy in 1950.
1950s During the 1950s, Murray and Francis Wunderlich rented the property as Camp Washington Lodge which lasted until about 1960.
1960 1960 Marist Brothers purchase property from Brookshire Properties.
1983 1970 Bay Community School, a small alternative school, was founded in the Lodge.  They occupied the building during school year when building was little used by Marist Brothers.  1983 Bay Community School closes.
21 Century 2004 2004 Marist Brothers sold a 27 acre northerly parcel to Antonia Sciretta and Marilyn Venterina.  While legal ownership changed several times, principals appear to have remain the same.
2012 2012 the Sciretta-Venterina parcel sold to South Country Farms LLC, principal Isabella Rossellini, who continues to operate an organic produce farm on the site.
2010 In 2010 Suffolk County in  partnership with Post Morrow Foundation purchased remaining Marist property
2016 Post Morrow Foundation donates their interest to Suffolk County.
2016 Suffolk County granted a lease to the Art & Nature Group for development as an educational center.