
Archeological Site Inventory Form

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Unless indicated below, this is a transcript of the original Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities/Town of Brookhaven survey form. Corrections to obvious typographical and spelling errors have been made. Corrections to factual errors, updates or comments on the information are either enclosed in [square brackets], or will be clearly indicated as updated material. Since most of the surveys were conducted in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, much of the information reflects that time period. Included in this category are sites for which some documentation may exist but are no longer extant often with little or no modern evidence at the site.

Sites which have a suffix of “S” are supplemental sites not included in the original surveys.

Archeological Site Inventory Form

John Smith Rose House - Edgewater Inn

 If checked, this is a Supplemental Form, not in the original surveys.




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Submitter Name:
John Deitz
Submitter Address:
7 Locust Rd.

Brookhaven, NY 11719


John Smith Rose House - Edgewater Inn
Hamlet of Brookhaven


4a-Public Site
4b-Private Site
Blair Munhofen
349 Beaver Dam Rd.

Historic and Architectural Importance

The Edgewater Inn was "an old and noted hostelry" on Beaverdam Rd. which burned in April 1928. Built in 1820 as the home of Smith Rose [probably John S. Rose of the 1850 and 1860 censuses; John was William Brewster Rose's brother], it stood immediately to the east of the [William] Brewster Rose house [Br17A] (see 1858 map). It was an example of the small resort hotels which could be found in many south shore Long Island communities in the late 19th and early 20th century.

6- Description, Condition, Evidence of Site

6a-Standing Ruins
6b-Cellar Hole with Walls
6c-Surface Traces Visible
6d-Walls Without Cellar Hole
6e-Under Cultivation
6h-No Visible Evidence

7- Collection of Material from Site

7a- Surface Hunting

8- Prehistoric Cultural Affiliation or Date

9-Historical Documentation of Site

The Long Island Advance 15 May 2003. p. 26. Stephanie S. Bigelow. Bellport and Brookhaven: A Saga of the Sibling Hamlets at Old Purchase South. Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society. 1968. p. 44. 1858 Caace map. 1873 Beers map.

10- Possibility of Site Destruction or Disturbance

Destroyed by fire 4 Apr 1928.


12- Map Location

[If an original form, the source map images were not reproducible.]

12a- 7 1/2 Minute Quad. Name:

12b- 15 Minute Quad. Name:

12c- U.S.G.S Coordinates:

12d- D.O.T. Coordinates: (if known):

Other Maps: 1858 Caace Map. 1873 Beers map

13- Photographs

Photos and images

Supplemental Material

From Bigelow, p. 44.
"A Brookhaven boarding house of note the Edgewater Inn, run by Mrs. Rachel D'Arcas. It had been the Smith Rose home, built in 1820. Among her guests were Mme. Maeterlinck, Conde Nast, Edna Woolman Chase and Frank Crowninshield. The Inn was completely destroyed by fire about 1930 [actuall 4 Apr 1928]. There were about a dozen boarding houses in Brookhaven during the early 1900's The Bedetty House on the corner of Bay and Beaver Dam road was considered very fine, and also the Swan Hotel."

Patchogue Advance, 6 April 1928, page 1.

Fire Destroys Edgewater Inn

Mysterious Blaze Razes Brookhaven Hostelry

Well Known Hotel and Adjacent Bungalow Burned Wednesday Morning—Three Departments Send Help

Fire started apparently in the rear kitchen of Edgewater Inn, an old and noted hostelry on Beaver Dam road, Brookhaven, early Wednesday morning swept rapidly through the large rambling frame structure and left it two hours later only a mass of embers and twisted metal marked by two partly collapsed chimneys.  A small bungalow on the property was also burned down.  The place had not been occupied for some months.

The Brookhaven fireman turned out strong and fast, and made a lively fight to save some part of the inn, but as they had only chemicals and no running water supply their efforts were hopeless, excepting to protecting the neighboring property, and a garage on the premises which was threatened.  Some furniture was saved.  Calls for assistance from Patchogue, Mastic and Bellport fire companies brought a prompt response, one of the pumpers going from here [Patchogue], but the men had little to do but stand by for emergency.  It was a rather still, moonlight night.

The origin of the fire is suspicious as there was no stove lighted or other likely cause.  A plumber had been there Monday to take out a furnace.  The fire was discovered at 1 o'clock by some young people out riding.  The late Mrs. Rachael de Arcas owned and conducted the inn as a prosperous summer resort for 27 years and four years ago it was sold to Campbell Forbes.  The following year he sold it to Mrs. Herbert Wickam of Hewlett, who moved out a year ago.  The main house contained 25 rooms, with a dining room seating 50.  The property was involved in a foreclosure proceeding and the contents had been advertised for sale.

Prepared By

John Deitz