
Historic and Natural Districts Inventory Form

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Unless indicated below, this is a transcript of the original Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities/Town of Brookhaven survey form. Corrections to obvious typographical and spelling errors have been made. Corrections to factual errors, updates or comments on the information are either enclosed in [square brackets], or will be clearly indicated as updated material. Since most of the surveys were conducted in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, much of the information reflects that time period.

Sites with an Inventory Code suffix of “S” are supplemental sites not included in the original surveys.

Historic and Natural Districts Inventory Form




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Submitter Name:
John Deitz
Submitter Address:
7 Locust Rd.

Brookhaven, NY 11719


Brookhaven Fire District/Brookhaven Fire Department
Hamlet of Brookhaven


Brookhaven Fire District and Brookhaven Fire Department.


5- Map


7-Threats to Area

By Zoning
By Roads
By Developers
By Deterioration

8-Local Attitudes Toward the Area


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Prepared By

Supplemental Material

Patchogue Advance, 27 June 1946, p. 1:
Fire District of Brookhaven Is Extended to Insure Protection

After hearing testimony from two prominent members of the Brookhaven Fire department, the Brookhaven Town board last week approved the proposed extension of the existing district to cover territoryh to the east of the present boundary. Attorney Douglas Brown, who presented the petition to the board, offered the testimony of Fire Chief Paul Robinson and Charles E. Robinson, chairman of the board of fire commissioners of the present district.

Both held that the extension of the current boundaries would aid all of the residents and also insure greater protection of the existing district. They were supported by George E. Waldron, George Reeve, George A. Rankin and John H. Morton, all of whom were present at the special hearing.

The total assessed valuation of the extension is listed at $183, 870. Of this, the actual assessed valuation of the residents is $319,000 and the names of all the residents appear on the petition.

Description of the extension is as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly boundary of the Brookhaven Fire district at the center line of Carman's River with the northerly line of the high-tension transmission line and right-of-way of the Long Island Lighting company, and running thence easterly by, with, and along the northerly line of the high-tension line of the road leading to Camp Upton, known as Camp Upton road, and then running southerly along the center line of the Camp Upton road to its intersection with the center line of the Montauk highway, then running east along the center line to its intersection with the center line of Suffolk boulevard as extended northerly, then south with Suffolk boulevard to the shore line of the Great South Bay at Smith's Point.

The description then outlines the course to the west along the shore line, then north to Carman's river.