
Historic and Natural Districts Inventory Form

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Unless indicated below, this is a transcript of the original Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities/Town of Brookhaven survey form. Corrections to obvious typographical and spelling errors have been made. Corrections to factual errors, updates or comments on the information are either enclosed in [square brackets], or will be clearly indicated as updated material. Since most of the surveys were conducted in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, much of the information reflects that time period.

Sites with an Inventory Code suffix of “S” are supplemental sites not included in the original surveys.

Historic and Natural Districts Inventory Form




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Submitter Name:
John Deitz
Submitter Address:
7 Locust Rd.

Brookhaven, NY 11719


David Hawkins Cemetery
Hamlet of Southaven


This Hawkins Cemetery, referred to as the "David Hawkins Cemetery," is a trapezoidal plot approximately 69-64 ft. by 78-64 ft. now deep within the boundaries of the Wertheim Wildlife Refuge. This cemetery is No. 16 in the Town of Brookhaven's inventory of cemeteries


This family cemetery contains gravestones from the early 19th century of members of the Hawkins family.

5- Map


Personal visit.
Town of Brookhaven Cemetery Listing.
Marty Van Lith and Faith McCutchen. Friends of Wertheim.Photographs and survey information

7-Threats to Area

By Zoning
By Roads
By Developers
By Deterioration
Other: Like all family cemeteries, this cemetery is subject to deteriation from natural aging and neglect. Vandalism is minimized because of its isolated location.

8-Local Attitudes Toward the Area

Generally positive, but with respect to old family cemeteries, there is but a benign interest.


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Prepared By

John Deitz

Supplemental Material

For additional information on this cemetery, click on the "Other Links" icon at the top of this page.