
Records of the Town of Brookhaven


Indenture made on the 10th day of April, 1745, Between Mordecai Homan, Jr., Richard Floyd, of Brookhaven; Nicoll Floyd, of the mannor of St. George’s of the one part, in consideration of Seven Hundred and twenty pounds received of said John Haven, convey to him “All that Tract or Neck of Land and Meadow known by the name of Yaphank, Bounded on the East by a river called Connecticut river, South by a small river called Yamphank, where it joins to the said Connecticut, West by a Tree marked at the head of said Yamphank, North by a Swamp called Asawsunce, together with the Grist Mill, Saw Mill and fulling mill, and all ye other houses, buildings, orchards, gardens, improvements, &c., with the appurtenances, “always reserving and excepting out of the present indenture of sale, two acres of Land, or thereabouts, Granted for ye use of a presbyterian meeting house wherein the said house now Standeth, together with free Egress and Regress to the same.”

Warranted and defended, & signed.
In the presence of us.
Richard Floyd, L.S.
Josiah Woodhull
Nicoll Floyd, L.S.
W. Nicoll, Jun.,
Mordecai Homan, L.S.
Joshua Hallock

Possession given same day, & money received in full.
Both witnessed by Signed by the three Grantors.
Nicoll & Woodhull