We Are Taking The Rolls…….Hop In There’s Plenty Of Room

Our First Stop Is Just Down The Road A Piece
To See Daddy’s Good Friend John T. Nichols

Place Look Familiar ?

It Should ....It's The William Floyd Estate

Even In The Rolls This Next Stop Is JUST Too Far...And This Isn't The Rolls.....Are We There Yet Mamma?

I hope they got a bathroom in this place ...cause I got to go BAD!
It was brand new then....with no serious plumbing problems
at Carl Fischer's Montauk Manor

That's The Lighthouse Behind Us

A quarter century or so later I would see this place for the first time while out for a Sunday Drive with my family. By then it had the dueling Musketeer Statues. Originaly known a Browher's Castle, and built about 1900. It became The Caso Basso Rest in the 1930's It's located on Montauk Highway in Westhampton.

Not sure where this is or who they are but by the looks of the buildings it's somebodys estate.
Anybody recognise this guy?

Same thing could be any estate around Long Island

Like most proper places it has a Gazebo and a circular drive

There is a short piece of film that goes with this one. I don't recognise any of the riders, but the buildings look very much like Tanglewold Farm. Tanglewold was the W. E. Baker Estate that was right across Lon's Creek from Moss Lots. It was the home of Nichol Floyd and in the 1920's the home of Ella Lindley Baker who became Mrs. W. S. Dana II in 1929.

Leora, Doris, Ethel on Fire Island and how do we get to Fire Island You Ask ?