
Archeological Site Inventory Form

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Unless indicated below, this is a transcript of the original Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities/Town of Brookhaven survey form. Corrections to obvious typographical and spelling errors have been made. Corrections to factual errors, updates or comments on the information are either enclosed in [square brackets], or will be clearly indicated as updated material. Since most of the surveys were conducted in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, much of the information reflects that time period. Included in this category are sites for which some documentation may exist but are no longer extant often with little or no modern evidence at the site.

Sites which have a suffix of “S” are supplemental sites not included in the original surveys.

Archeological Site Inventory Form

Site of fish house

 If checked, this is a Supplemental Form, not in the original surveys.




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Submitter Name:
Town of Brookhaven/SPLIA
Submitter Address:
Town Hall
205 S. Ocean Ave.
Patchogue, NY 11772
Brookhaven Community Development Agency


Site of fish house
Hamlet of Brookhaven


4a-Public Site
4b-Private Site
Could be one of several present day owners; exact site unknown

Historic and Architectural Importance

[Map referenced above is not reproducible.]

6- Description, Condition, Evidence of Site

6a-Standing Ruins
6b-Cellar Hole with Walls
6c-Surface Traces Visible
6d-Walls Without Cellar Hole
6e-Under Cultivation
6h-No Visible Evidence

7- Collection of Material from Site

7a- Surface Hunting

8- Prehistoric Cultural Affiliation or Date

9-Historical Documentation of Site

"Map showing a part of Beaver Dam Brook with Fish House and Ponds thereon and the south end of Lot 14 in the Great Division of Lots in Brookhaven township." From the leatherbound book of Judge J. Lawrence Smith, collection Smithtown Library. see attached Date sometime after 1873, judging by name Valentine Store: Bishop owned store before Valentine and is so listed on the 1873 map.

10- Possibility of Site Destruction or Disturbance


12- Map Location

[If an original form, the source map images were not reproducible.]

12a- 7 1/2 Minute Quad. Name:

12b- 15 Minute Quad. Name:

12c- U.S.G.S Coordinates:

12d- D.O.T. Coordinates: (if known):

Other Maps:

13- Photographs

Photos and images

Supplemental Material

Prepared By