
Archeological Site Inventory Form

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Unless indicated below, this is a transcript of the original Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities/Town of Brookhaven survey form. Corrections to obvious typographical and spelling errors have been made. Corrections to factual errors, updates or comments on the information are either enclosed in [square brackets], or will be clearly indicated as updated material. Since most of the surveys were conducted in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, much of the information reflects that time period. Included in this category are sites for which some documentation may exist but are no longer extant often with little or no modern evidence at the site.

Sites which have a suffix of “S” are supplemental sites not included in the original surveys.

Archeological Site Inventory Form

Wilkinson/Turner House and Farm

 If checked, this is a Supplemental Form, not in the original surveys.




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Submitter Name:
John Deitz
Submitter Address:
7 Locust Rd.

Brookhaven, NY 11719


Wilkinson/Turner House and Farm
Hamlet of Southaven


4a-Public Site
4b-Private Site
Mostly Federal government
Montauk Hwy. and Old Barto Road

Historic and Architectural Importance

The Wilkinson farmstead was purchased by Jeptha A. Wilkinson, Sr. from Daniel and Abigail Terry, of the Town of Hempstead, Queens (now Nassau), NY, on 30 Jun 1846 and recorded in the clerk's office of Suffolk County, 3 Jul 1846.  At the time of the sale, Wilkinson was living in Williamsburg, Kings County, NY.  Previously, the Wilkinsons were living in Rhode Island

The Wilkinson farm may have been Daniel Terry's share of the Terry farmstead in South Haven.  Daniel's siblings are buried in the Barteau Cemetery nearly across Montauk Highway to the north from the farm site.  Additional research is required to determine the full extent of the Terry land holdings in South Haven.

A house appears on the 1858 Chase Map on the South Country road at the approximate location of the farm, identified as A Wiltinson†, probably actually Wilkinson.  At approximately the same location, a house appears on the 1873 Beers map as A. J. Wilkinson, and on the 1915 Belcher Hyde map as Ella Wilkinson Est.

A 1844 newspaper advertisement (Sag Harbor Corrector, February 1844) clearly indicates that the property had a dwelling house and a barn at that time.

Newspaper accounts (Babylon South Side Signal, January and June 1875) indicates that in January 1875, the Wilkinson family completed a new two-story house, and moved various out buildings. Jeptha Avery Wilkinson Sr. actually died a year previous. A newspaper account (Babylon South Side Signal, May 1878) indicates that in 1878, a further addition was made to the house.

It then became the property of Harriet Turner Hohenhausen, Nathan D. and Emma Wilkinson Turner's daughter. She sold the bulk of the farmstead to Maurice Wertheim on 5 October 1944 [Affidavit of Title, Suffolk County Deeds Liber 2395 Page 342], but apparently retained a parcel along the east side (and perhaps the west side) of Old Barto Road at its northerly end containing the homestead.  The recorded consideration she received was $3120.00.  Previously on 21 Dec1943, she and Pearl Marion Knowles* of Rochester, New York, had sold the meadow lots to Wertheim [Suffolk County Deeds Liber 2307 page 146].   The bulk of the Wilkinson farmstead therefore became part of the extensive Wertheim estate in South Haven, NY,  that Wertheim deeded to the Federal Government on 7 June 1947, [Suffolk County Deeds Liber2714 Page 336] and is now part of the Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge.

The artist Alfred M. Turner was said to have resided in the Wilkinson home in the later years of his life, perhaps as a lodger, although his relationship to the Nathan Turners has not yet been established.  Alfred M. Turner is interred in the local Brookhaven Oaklawn cemetery.

The 1875 house is said to have burned completely to the ground on a New Years eve in the 1960's (the best guess in 1965, but no newspaper account has been found).  It apparently was not occupied and perhaps abandoned at the time of the fire, although it is said that some of Alfred M. Turner's paintings were stored there, as well as prosthetics for his legs, which had been partially amputated before his death in 1932.

A.J. Wilkenson was Jeptha Avery Wilkenson. Ella Wilkenson has not been identified, but probably was misidentified, and was actually Emma Wilkinson Turner, Jeptha's daughter, who seems to have eventually acquired most if not all the interest in the property from the other various Wilkinson heirs, or at least she, her husband Nathan D. Turner, and family were the principal residents.

* Pearl Marion Knowles was the only daughter of  Alfred P. Marion, by 1943 deceased.  On 18 Sep 1907, a mortgage was made by Nathan Turner and Lottie Turner to Alfred Marion in the amount of $500.  While the mortgage had been disregarded at all times, no interest ever collected, and had been treated as cancelled, there technically remained a lien on the property.  By the later 1944 sale, the satisfaction of this mortgage had been filed with the County Clerk (30 Sep 1944; Deed Liber 2395, p. 335).

6- Description, Condition, Evidence of Site

6a-Standing Ruins
6b-Cellar Hole with Walls
6c-Surface Traces Visible
6d-Walls Without Cellar Hole
6e-Under Cultivation
6h-No Visible Evidence
It is said that: "The house on the corner of Honey Lane [Old Barto Road] that's gone now was the one in which the woman hid the revolutionary soldier from the Tories by spreading out her quilt pieces around and over her bed, under which the guy was hiding."

If the story is true, then the actual house would have been a building that pre-existed the Wilkinson tenancy and their later homestead completed in 1875, and that burned in the 1960s. The Revolutionary War house was perhaps a homestead of the Terry family. Both Daniel Terry, father to the Daniel Terry who sold the farmstead in 1846, and his grandfather, also a Daniel Terry, were Revolutionary war soldiers, suggesting that the Terry family had strong patriot sympathies.

7- Collection of Material from Site

7a- Surface Hunting

8- Prehistoric Cultural Affiliation or Date

9-Historical Documentation of Site

See documentation associated with Daniel Terry, John D. Turner, Alfred M. Turner, and Jeptha A. Wilkinson.

Advertisement, Corrector (Sag Harbor, NY), 17 Feb, 1844, p. 3.

FARM FOR SALE—At FIREPLACE, town of Brookhaven, about 3/4 of a mile west of Carmans, and 2 miles east of Bell Port, on the stage road leading from Brooklyn to Sag Harbor, cantaining (sic) about


one half or more, under cultivation, and the remainder fine Timber, some of it Locust. Has a DWELLING HOUSE, Barn, Orchard, and a brick well of excellent water. It has a stream of never-failing water on the east side [Yaphank creek], and saves the necessity of fencing on that side. There are about Ten Acres of Salt and Fresh meadow, within a mile of the Dwelling House, and very convenient for the feeding of stock. The soil of the Farm is naturally good, and easily cultivated. There is a convenient Landing Place belonging to the Farm, on the South Bay, within a mile of the premises. It is a desirable location for a gentleman, or one who intends to devote himself to navigation of the South Bay. As those inclined to purchase, will probably desire to view the premises, any further description is deemed unnecessary.

Application may be made toSilas Homan, Postmaster at Fireplace, or the subscriber, Hempstead South. A portion of the purchase money may remain on a mortgage upon the premises, for one or more years, at the option of the purchaser.

Hick's Neck, Feb. 10, 1844.

[Hick's Neck is modern Baldwin, Town of Hempstead, Nassau County (then Queens County), NY]

10- Possibility of Site Destruction or Disturbance

See History


12- Map Location

[If an original form, the source map images were not reproducible.]

12a- 7 1/2 Minute Quad. Name:

12b- 15 Minute Quad. Name:

12c- U.S.G.S Coordinates:

12d- D.O.T. Coordinates: (if known):

Other Maps: Approximate location of Wilkinson Homestead
View Larger Map

13- Photographs

Photos and images

Supplemental Material

South Side Signal (Babylon), 30 Jan 1875, p. 3:
"The Wilkinsons (whose father was the famous printing press inventor), have built a fine two story house, moved their out buildings to their proper places, and fixed up things in good style."

Prepared By

John Deitz